“Chia seeds are ancient seeds that date back to the Aztec era. You can add them to smoothies or sprinkle them over your oats Chia is one of nature’s richest antioxidants. It can prevent premature skin aging and is also very high in fibre, which promotes digestive health.” – MELISSA DELPORT

Kiwi and papaya are in season in Spring, so we have incorporated it into Melissa Delport’s Sunshine Chia bowl. You can adjust the fruity toppings to what’s in season.

Thanks to Penguin Random House Publishing and Melissa Delport (The Truffle Journal) for these delicious recipes


Cooking Methods

  • Cooking


    1 cup Chia Seeds
    1 cup Almond Milk
    1 cup Coconut Milk
    1 TBs plant-based protein powder (Wazoogles sachets found in Food Lover's Market stores)
    1 tsp maple syrup/Agave syrup (or honey if you are not Vegan)
    ½ Golden Kiwi Fruit
    ½ green Kiwi Fruit
    ½ cup diced pawpaw/papaya
    1/2 cup raw coconut flakes
    Edible Flowers (optional)


    In a medium-sized frying pan over medium heat, add the chia seeds and Almond milk and cook for about 10 minutes. The chia seeds will soak up the liquid. Slowly add the coconut milk to the mixture when it starts to look a little dry.
    Add the protein powder and honey and mix well. Once all the liquid has been added and the consistency is like porridge, remove from the heat.
    Add the chia seed porridge to the bowls and decorate with kiwi, papaya and the coconut flakes.
    If you find some edible flowers, use these to make the bowl beautiful. Beautiful food brings joy and the joyous food is good energy!


Kiwi and papaya are in season in Spring, so we have incorporated it into Melissa Delport’s Sunshine Chia bowl. You can adjust the fruity toppings to what’s in season.

berry chia pudding