Roasted Vegetable & Avocado Autumn Salad

As Autumn gets into full swing , there is no need to give up on all those great summer salads that you have been enjoying. Rather, take advantage of all the great vegetables on offer at the moment and make your family a delicious roast vegetable salad that is packed full of goodness.


Cooking Methods

  • Roasting

Prep Time

Cooking Time

40 minutes


    2 white onions peeled and quartered
    2 red onions peeled and quartered
    3 potatoes peeled and quartered
    1/2 med butternut, deseeded, peeled and cut into thick slices
    2 sweet potatoes washed and cut into slices
    2 tomatoes washed and cut into quarters
    10 string beans blanched, ends removed
    2 cloves garlic finely chopped
    1 tbsp fresh thyme finely chopped
    3 tbsp olive oil
    1 avocado peeled and cut into slices
    2 large handfuls of baby spinach leaves
    2 rounds of feta cheese
    2 tbsp pine nut kernels
    1 tbsp smoked chilli salt
    1/2 cup Balsamic dressing


    On a large baking tray (two if you do not have a large enough one), arrange the cut onions, potatoes, butternut, sweet potatoes and tomatoes in groups.
    Coat the vegetables in olive oil.
    Dot the crushed garlic over all the cut vegetables, then sprinkle them liberally with chilli salt and the finely chopped fresh thyme.
    Place in a pre-heated, 180 degree Celsius oven, for about 40 mins, turning all the vegetables half way through this cooking time.
    Once they are roasted, remove the tray from the oven and allow to cool.
    Spread the spinach leaves over a large platter.
    Then begin to build the salad, arranging the various roasted vegetables around the platter, tucking chunks of feta cheese amongst them.
    Dot the blanched green beans over the salad.
    Fan the avocado slices in the center and sprinkle the pine nut kernels over the entire salad.
    Lightly season the avocado, then drizzle with a good quality balsamic dressing. Serve immediately.