Winter is here! If there is any time to consider eating seasonally, then winter is it. Let’s discuss the reasons we’ve mentioned before and take a look why they are accentuated in wintertime.

  • Eating food in season is cheaper than produce that is not in season. This is very true if you are after your favourite fruits such as strawberries or grapes, you will find the price will be very high as it likely imported from the Northern Hemisphere.
  • All the nutrients you need in winter to fight off pesky colds and flu can be found in winter produce. It’s no coincidence that citrus season arrives right when you need an extra Vitamin C kick!
  • Seasonal produce will be at its best. Best not only means more flavour and better texture but more of the nutrients still intact.

Soups, stews and other filling winter warmers are just the thing for winter nights. Think curried broccoli or pumpkin and orange soup. Grapefruits are a great seasonal start to your day, allowing you to still feel a little tropical when it’s cold out.

To keep up your regular water intake, brew some hot water with mint and citrus fruits for an infused tea that will keep you hydrated and warm!

What is your favourite winter fresh produce?

Winter Fruit


Winter Veggies

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