Tastes Like Heritage

Heritage means so many different things to different people, especially in South Africa with our teeming heritage and roots. The thought brings up rich exotic fragrances, sweet flavours and unforgettable memories.

We asked some of our favourite people and foodie inspirers what heritage means to them and of course, what heritage TASTES like to them.

Tracey Lange

“The things that I know and don’t know about that has formed me and unbeknownst to me, shaped me. It’s what runs through my veins and makes me proud of who I am and how far I’ve come.

Sometimes I know exactly what it is and sometimes it’s like an invisible blanket that enfolds me and always reminds to remain grounded and remember where I come from.”

Sue Duminy

“Heritage is a single word that encompasses my whole world, my whole being and make-up.  It shaped by tradition, by culture and by significant historic moments that will always be part of me.

That is what I love about South Africa, we truly are a rainbow nation.  Sharing such an incredibly beautiful country with such a diverse range of cultures, one can only grow in respect and love for our fellow human beings.”

Nina Timm

“My heritage certainly comes directly from my family and how I was raised. Influenced by grandparents, parents, teachers, place we’ve lived etc. All those elements have had an influence on the way I live my life today. In other words, what I teach my children, what we eat, wear, drive etc.

Indirectly my heritage is rich in traditions that we as a nation celebrates, elections, rugby, braai, politics and our rich diverse South African cultures.”

Mariam Harris

“Heritage means tradition to me. You can get family heritage, where certain occasions, family outings, and get-togethers are done in a certain way. These traditions are passed from one generation to the next. You also get heritage based upon a city’s traditions, and cultural heritage based on traditions we carry out as a nation/race/religious group.

Heritage is colourfully woven with history, art and HEART.”

Julie Kynaston

“Heritage is the way we celebrate our country’s diversity and how both our individual experiences and shared South African culture combine to make us so unique.

As a family pieced together through adoption, we are doing what we can to expose our Zulu sons and Xhosa daughter to their culture of birth even as they grow up in a family with white English-speaking parents.”

Carey Eramus

“A history of moments, family traditions, places and recipes that will forever be instilled in my heart and soul. My heritage is what makes me proudly South African.

Heritage is appreciating the diversity of South Africa and embracing it through food, culture and fellowship.”

Visit the Food Lover’s Recipes page for our series of heritage recipes to celebrate South Africa’s rich roots, that demonstrate in its tasty cuisine.

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