Sizzling Steak – Cooked to perfection

You’ve got your juicy T-bone or tasty club steak, now you just need to cook it to perfection. Whether perfection is rare, medium or well done, make sure your guests have exactly what they want. December might be over, but summer is still here so why not enjoy your steak on the braai?

Tips for the best steak:

  1. Griddle pan or braai…make your choice. Of course, we love it on the Braai.
  2. The steak should be at room temperature before braaing. (Frying or grilling it from cold will stop the heat from penetrating to the middle as efficiently).
  3. Rub the steak with olive oil, and season with salt and pepper.
  4. Bring the pan or braai to a high heat beforehand. This helps with the caramelization and creates a delicious crust.
  5. Cook the steak until however you or your guests like their steak (rare, medium-rare etc.). See cooking times below.
  6. Rest your meat! When taking the meat off the heat, rest it for half the cooking time i.e. 5-10mins.

Cooking Times (per side):

Medium-rare to medium doneness is popularly accepted as the best for flavour and texture.

The general rule for a 2.5 cm thick steak, is that if you like it done rare, then you would need to cook it for 1-2 minutes on each side, letting it rest for 6-8 minutes. For a medium-rare steak, cook it for 2-2.5 minutes on each side, letting it rest for 4 minutes and for a well-done steak, cook it for 4.5 minutes on each side, letting it rest for 1 minute. If your steak is thicker it will need more cooking time and if it is thinner it will need less cooking time.


Marinade the steak (optional), and drizzle a hot pan with some olive oil. Add the steaks and cook the first side for 2 minutes, turn over and cook the other side for 2 minutes. Then turn the steaks every minute until you reach the desired cooking times.


Use wood or coals, and make sure the fire is hot. Keep your grid 5-15cm above the heat. Adjust cooking times as per the height of the grid. Season the steaks and place them on the braai. Cook first side for 2 minutes and then turn over. Cook the other side for 2 minutes. Baste the meat with marinade and then cook the steaks every minute until desired consistency.

Do not reheat the steak in the oven. It will dry it out, and the steak will overcook.

Carve with a sharp knife.

More delicious tips:

Tie sprigs of Rosemary and use it as your basting brush. Brush it over the steak every minute.

Rub a knob of butter onto the steak as it comes off the heat (while it rests) to add some rich flavour. The extra moisture will sink into the steak.

Serve with your favourite sauce, be it Mushroom, Pepper, or Chimichurri, you name it. Find some delicious recipes here: Food Lover’s Market Steak Recipes.

Happy Sizzling!

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