8 Ways To Include More Citrus Fruit In Your Diet Today

Sensational Citrus Fruits are now in season and they are packed full with essential vitamins and antioxidants that help to fight colds and flu, prevent cancer and keep you healthy.
Here are our top 8 ways to help you to include more of these zesty, healthy fruits in your diet this Winter:
  1. Make a simple pasta sauce using lemon zest, juice, olive oil, nuts and parsley and add to freshly cooked pasta: zesty & tasty!
  2. Jazz up your usual lunchtime salad: take rocket leaves, grapefruit segments, smoked salmon and avo. Dress with the juice from the grapefruit and some olive oil, salt & pepper!
  3. Freshen up your main evening meal: add lime juice to a coconut curry; splash lemon onto any fish; squeeze oranges over pork chops, or mash into sweet potatoes.
  4. Use the peel from grapefruit or lemon in a gin and tonic – this adds some serious perfume and brings out the flavour of the gin!
  5. Add chopped orange, grapefruit or lemon peel to a pan of water and sugar and soften over a low heat. Once dried, add the peel to scone or cookie batter for extra zip in your next baked treat.
  6. Add grapefruit, naartjie or orange segments to unbaked muesli and add plain low-fat or full-fat yoghurt. Enjoy for a fresh breakfast or mid-morning snack.
  7. Make a tangy sauce to use for chicken, duck or pork using orange juice, honey, garlic, pepper, chilli and soy sauce.
  8. Calm yourself from daily stresses by adding lemon slices to hot water and drinking throughout the day. Lemon has a calming effect and is proven to reduce stress.

#LoveGoodFood #LoveFoodMovement #NowInSeason #FreshFromTheMarket #TheatreOfFood #CitrusFruit #HealthyEating #HealthyEatingTips #WinterFruit


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