Easy Summer Pavlova

This really is a flop-proof pavlova. How?! We’ve done the work for you with an already-made pavlova! Simply buy the already-made Food Lover’s Pavlova (*see notes below to see what it looks like),  layer on the whipped cream or ice cream and top it with your favourite summer fruits. In this pavlova recipe, we topped it with the season’s freshest stone fruits, like apricots, plums, peaches and nectarines. So there’s no excuse not to make an impressive dessert with this no-fuss recipe.





  • 1 Food Lover's Pavlova (already-made)
  • 250ml (1 Cup) Whipping Cream
  • 3 Apricots
  • 2 Plums
  • 2 Dessert Peaches or Nectarines
  • Edible Flowers to garnich


  1. Slice the apricots in halves. Cut the plums, peaches and nectarines into slices.
  2. Whip the cream
  3. Spread the cream over the pavlova, decorate with the cut stone fruit and edible flowers


The Food Lover’s Pavlova:

Homemade Brownie Mix Jar