Crazy ways to eat Hot Cross Buns

What’s not to love about hot cross buns smothered in butter or apricot jam? A perennial South African favourite, the hot cross bun needs little introduction. However, modern and more adventurous [...]

Healthy Eating Tips for Race Training

Training for a big cycling race is as much about your diet, as it is about getting the training in. You need to fuel yourself correctly and make sure you get the right amount of nutrients to [...]

Eating during Endurance Sport Events

An article by dietitian; Danielle Roberts, with free high endurance sample meal plan. Endurance events have become very popular. Doing well, and recovering well in these longer endurance events [...]

Ramp up your eating when training

An article by Shelly Meltzer & Associates, Dietary Practice By now you should be well into your training for the Race, and ready to ramp it up a bit. Nutrition Periodisation As volume and [...]

Valentine’s Day on a Budget

Has your Valentine got expensive taste, but you haven’t recovered from Januworry? Here are some recipes to that look fabulous, but don’t have the price tag to match. Don’t forget to pick up [...]