Eating during Endurance Sport Events

An article by dietitian; Danielle Roberts, with free high endurance sample meal plan. Endurance events have become very popular. Doing well, and recovering well in these longer endurance events [...]

Pre- and During-Race Nutrition

An article by dietitians, Shelly Meltzer & Associates With race day now approaching it is time to get your race day nutrition plan into gear; To determine your race nutrition strategies [...]

Good Eating While Training

An article by Shelly Meltzer & Associates, Dietary Practice. With all the investment that goes into the physical training for an event like the FNB Wines 2 Whales race, at least the same [...]

Daily Active Eating For Men

If you’re training then this is just for you! Thanks to Kelly Schreuder, Registered Dietician & Private Chef, we’ve got a great meal plan for you to help you along the way – [...]