Both natural sweeteners found in fruits and plants which are used as a lower calorie, natural sugar alternative, and are often used by those trying to maintain their blood sugar levels.  They are [...]

Spiced Nut & Wine Pairing

“Pairing wine with nuts is easier than cracking a walnut” (Winking face) There are over 50 types of nuts in the World, so let’s stick to ones we are familiar with. We will start off with the [...]


Foodies, medical experts and chefs are always saying that we should eat seasonally, but why and what does it mean? We divulge the reason behind eating locally, seasonally and why it’s good for [...]

Top Recipes of 2017

Google has released the most popular recipe terms searched in South Africa over 2017. Some expected, and some might come as a surprise. One thing is for sure, the internet has become the number [...]

How to cook the perfect roast chicken

Roast chicken is a classic dish and a firm favourite. Golden brown, inexpensive, moist tender meat and crisp flavoursome skin come together in a great meal for company or simply for family lunch. [...]

Recipes and Tips for Tomatoes

You love our Veg combo but there is sometimes a fresh and healthy vegetable (or is it a fruit?) that you just can’t seem to think what to do with it. This week we have 3KG of lovely tomatoes, and [...]