Hunger Month 2022

Hunger Month 2022

28th Apr 2022

Thank YOU for all your donations! This World Hunger Month, 2 525 203 meals were donated!! How incredible is that?! 👋

Thank you to everyone involved for helping fight hunger together. Together, we can make an impact on people’s lives, and in our communities. #FLMHungerMonth #WorldHungerMonth May 2022. Thank you for your big contribution Tru-Cape Fruit Marketing.

Food Lover’s Market has raised 1 million meals in support of the annual World Hunger Month campaign. This year marks our 6th World Hunger Month campaign. With your help, we are trying to raise the bar. Your contribution of just 68c will provide a meal to someone in need, so let’s work together and fight hunger together.

Hunger Month is a little different this year. Last year, along with our partners, for every related product you bought, we gave the cost of 1 meal to Food ForwardSA. This year, we got ahead of that process, and we went out and raised the meals from our trusted sponsorship partners, so you can be 100% sure that the 1 million meals reach FoodForwardSA. This is also us giving back and saying thank you to all our loyal customers, which allows us to make this magic happen!

Now we are offering an additional option if you’d like to assist further, where you can also purchase/donate meals to give to this lovely cause, in support of fighting hunger together.

HOW can you contribute?

To grow our donation, and donate a meal to someone in need, simply purchase the meal at the till at Food Lover’s Market store. Donate a meal today for only 68c, during the month of May.

  • 1 meal = R0.68
  • 5 meals = R3.40
  • 10 meals = R6.80

WAIT, there’s more!

On World Hunger Day, 28 May 2022, WE will match every single meal donated on that day.

How can a meal be 68cents?!

FoodForwardSA is South Africa’s largest food redistribution organisation. They perform a service known as food banking; they work with many farmers, retailers, manufacturers and wholesalers to recover their edible surplus foods and redistribute this food responsibly to vulnerable groups across our country. So the 68cents is the cost of running this amazing process; the warehouses, the tech, the team, the transport and so much more, that makes this redistribution possible. 68cents is logistically arranging that one meal makes onto the table of one vulnerable person.
