
Where can I find the specials?

Our specials are loaded onto our website: foodloversmarket.co.za/specials. For your local stores specials, you will have to select your local store from the list, on the same page.

When do the specials end?

Most of our special deals run from Monday to Sunday each week. Sometime we also have one day deals such as R13 Friday or Whammy Wednesdays, which is only valid for that day.

Can I get the specials sent to me?

Of course, sign up on our website with our subscribe page.

Does Food Lover's Market have a pensioners' discount day?

Some Food Lover’s Market stores offer a pensioners’ discount, one day out of the week. Please contact your nearest store to find out if they have a pensioners’ discount day, and which day it falls on.

Does Food Lover’s Market have a loyalty programme?

We focus on offering the best low prices every day to everyone, and have an rewards app – Food Lover’s First currently available at 4 stores.

Can I get specials at the Food Lover’s Eatery stores?

Eateries are a canteen and deli style store, focused on bringing you the best food to enjoy right away. They do not offer the national deals available at our supermarket stores.


Is Food Lover’s Market Halaal?

Butcheries that are Halaal Certified:

  • Access Park
  • Lenasia
  • Malvern

Stores that don’t sell pork:

  • Springfield Park (and have Halaal-certified beef)
Why do our bakers not wear gloves?

Only our bakery counter hands should be wearing disposable gloves. Here are the reasons why our bakers in the bakery do not wear gloves:

    • Wearing gloves in other areas and for long periods of time leads to cross-contamination
    • It is far more hygienic to wash your hands regularly and sanitize as often as you can, which is what our bakers are trained to do and adhere to.
Can I bring my own container?

You are welcome to bring your own container for fresh produce and the produce from gravity dispensers (at the Health and Happiness sections, including dried fruits, nuts, seeds, Nuggles, and sweets). We are happy to support your zero waste lifestyle, but may not be able to assist in very busy periods. Note: you cannot return a (loose, weighed) product, after dispensing it into your own container e.g nuts, seeds, sweets from the gravity dispenser bins. However, you may return fruit and vegetables if there is an issue.

*Please ensure that containers are tared correctly at the scales, prior to filling your container and weighing the items.

Why do I need to pay for a box?

Our stores do offer the used fresh produce boxes as they always have. But once there are no more for the day, we offer the option for you to purchase a sturdier reusable box at R15.

Food Lover's EATERY stores

Which stores are Food Lover's Eatery stores?

Food Lover’s Eatery stores are the brain-child of Food Lover’s Market, they are a deli-style store with a wide range of freshly prepared foods, or foods to order. Food Lover’s Eatery stores include:

Can I get specials at the Food Lover’s Eatery stores?

Eateries are a canteen and deli style store, focused on bringing you the best food to enjoy right away. They do not offer the national deals available at our supermarket stores.

Product Offerings & Services

What do I do if I am unhappy with my purchase?

Please return to the store with the product and your slip and ask the manager to assist you, as per our Best In Fresh Guarantee.

Does Food Lover’s Market deliver?

No, we offer a market style store. A theatre of food where you can experience the fresh produce. Some stores are listed on the grocery delivery app: OneCart.co.za – they are Norwood, Menlyn Mall and Roeland Street.

Does Food Lover’s Market stock banting products?

Food Lover’s Market has the widest selection of banting products, at the best prices. Please check with your local butchery about marinades and additives used on the meat products.

Opportunities & Careers

How can I apply for a job at Food Lover’s Market?

To view vacancies, or apply for a job at Food Lover’s Market, please visit: foodloversmarket.co.za/careers.

Only applications received through our online job portal will be considered.

I want to franchise a store. What is the process?

Please visit our franchise page for more information, and to contact us with regards to opening a Food Lover’s Market franchise.

Do you donate food or sponsor charities?

Each store has an allocated local charity. If you are looking for a sponsorship or donation, please contact earthlovers@fvc.co.za, for consideration.