National Water Week Tips

It’s water saving week and we’ve sourced the best tips for conserving water in the kitchen. The overriding approach is to be smart and mindful in your lifestyle choices as most water-saving tips are common sense.

Here’s how you can save that extra bit of water.

  • Why not use a bowl instead of a colander? Place your bowl underneath your colander to catch the water, or discard the colander and wash your vegetables in the bowl alone. That water you caught can be used for a few different tasks if it’s not dirty. If you are worried about any cross-contamination, cooking will solve your issue.
  • Do not let your tap run unnecessarily if you are not catching it into another container. Do not rinse hands – or fruit and vegetables – under running water.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables in a container of water rather than letting the tap run water all over it – you can then use this water for your garden.
  • Boil your food in as little water as possible to save water as well as cooking time. Foods such as pasta and potatoes, need just enough water to be cooked. The bonus is that if you use less water, you keep more flavour and nutrients in your vegetables.
  • Do not waste cooking water – if you have used water to boil eggs or vegetables, set it aside to cool and use it in the garden.
  • While your rice, potatoes or pasta is boiling, place your vegetables in a steamer and pop it on the top to cook at the same time. You’ll save water, time and keep all your nutrients in your vegetables – and you will have fewer dishes to wash later.