Coconut and Oat Body Scrub

We love food, and we’re all about eating to nourish your body, living a wholesome life, and enjoying a feast with friends and family, but we also love taking care of ourselves. The YouFirst range in stores offer a range that is not only healthy to eat, but can be used to benefits your body. Try this “delicious” Coconut & Oat Sugar Scrub for when you need a #SelfcareSunday.


  • ⅓ Cup You First Organic Virgin Coconut Oil
  • 1 Cup Brown Sugar
  • a ½ Cup Oats
  • 1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp Raw Honey (for non-vegans)
  • *Add a scent (optional): Cinnamon or Vanilla Essence, Coffee granules
  • *Essential Oil (optional): Chamomile (great for older skin) / Lavender or Rose Geranium


  1. Grind your oats in a blender/food processor (*or use whole oats) and mix with the rest of the ingredients in a bowl or a glass jar.
  2. To apply, wash and then rub the scrub gently on your skin in circular motions. (It’s good to turn off the shower while doing this to save water.)
  3. Rinse off well, et voila!

• Tip •

Replace some of the coconut oil with a little Extra Virgin Olive Oil, or Almond Oil.

Know the difference between the Odourless Coconut Oil and the Extra Virgin Coconut Oil – make sure you use the Virgin oil for your body/skin. The odourless one is better for cooking.

• Benefits •

  • Apple cider vinegar helps restores the PH level of the skin
  • Coconut Oil is nourishing and moisturizing
  • Oats are a gentle anti-inflammatory exfoliant
  • Honey helps the skin retain moisture

PRINT this recipe out here.