Ultimate Beer-battered Fish and Chips with Tartare Sauce




Prep Time

20 minutes

Cooking Time

45 minutes


For the Beer-battered Fish:

    250ml (1 cup) all-purpose flour

    10g instant dry yeast

    375ml (1 ½ cup) ale beer

    4 x 200g portions firm white fish

    5ml (1 tsp) paprika

    5ml (1 tsp) onion powder

    Extra flour, for dusting

    Food Lover’s Canola Oil, for deep frying

    Sea salt, to taste

For the Chips:

    4 large potatoes, peeled

    Food Lover’s Canola Oil, for deep frying

    Sea salt flakes, to taste

For the Tartare Sauce:

    80ml (1/3 cup) Food Lover’s Canola Mayo

    2-3 Food Lover’s Dill Gherkins, finely chopped

    ½ small red onion, finely diced

    Zest of 1 lemon

    10ml (2 tsp) fresh lemon juice

    Fresh Italian parsley and dill, chopped

    Salt and black pepper, to taste


For the Beer-battered Fish:

    Heat the oil for frying to 180°C.
    In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, yeast, sea salt and beer. Mix until well combined and smooth. Pat the fish dry with a kitchen towel and dust with flour, ensuring all excess flour is dusted off.
    Cover the fish in the batter and fry for about 8-10 minutes or until crispy and golden brown. Drain on a kitchen towel.

For the Chips:

    Hand-cut the potatoes into chips. Place the chips in a pot with cold water. Put on the lid and cook on a high heat for about 10 minutes. Time the potatoes from boiling.
    Once par cooked, drain the potatoes and allow to cool completely.
    Heat the canola oil to 180°C. Fry the chips for about 5 minutes and drain on a kitchen towel.
    Just before serving, fry the chips in the oil again, this time for about 10-12 minutes or until golden brown and crispy. Drain on a kitchen towel and season with sea salt flakes.

For the Tartare Sauce:

    Combine all ingredients, mix well and season to taste.
    Serve the fish and chips with the tartare sauce and lemon wedges